Title: | Radial Velocity Method for Detecting Exoplanets |
Description: | Has various functions designed to implement the Hermite-Gaussian Radial Velocity (HGRV) estimation approach of Holzer et al. (2020) <arXiv:2005.14083>, which is a particular application of the radial velocity method for detecting exoplanets. The overall approach consists of four sequential steps, each of which has a function in this package: (1) estimate the template spectrum with the function estimate_template(), (2) find absorption features in the estimated template with the function findabsorptionfeatures(), (3) fit Gaussians to the absorption features with the function Gaussfit(), (4) apply the HGRV with simple linear regression by calling the function hgrv(). This package is meant to be open source. But please cite the paper Holzer et al. (2020) <arXiv:2005.14083> when publishing results that use this package. |
Authors: | Parker Holzer |
Maintainer: | Parker Holzer <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.1.2 |
Built: | 2025-02-21 05:15:04 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/rvmethod |
This function uses local quadratic regression to estimate the template
spectrum from a collection of observed spectra from a star as described in
Holzer et al. (2020). All observed
spectra are assumed to be normalized. The bandwidth is chosen locally through
generalized cross-validation. We strongly recommend using parallel
computing for this function. Therefore, the cores
argument has the
default value of 19.
estimate_template( SPECTRA, min_wvl = NULL, max_wvl = NULL, bandwidth_bnds = c(0.017, 0.05), min_count = 100, cores = 19 )
estimate_template( SPECTRA, min_wvl = NULL, max_wvl = NULL, bandwidth_bnds = c(0.017, 0.05), min_count = 100, cores = 19 )
a list of all observed spectra to use in estimating the template. Each observed spectrum should have the format of being a list with the following names (or a dataframe with the following columns): “Wavelength" and “Flux". |
min_wvl |
a number that indicates the minimum wavelength for the estimated template |
max_wvl |
a number that indicates the maximum wavelength for the estimated template |
bandwidth_bnds |
a vector of length 2 that gives the interval of bandwidth values (in the same units as the wavelength of the spectra) to be considered in the generalized cross-validation |
min_count |
the minimum number of data points required for local regression to be done on a given wavelength chunk |
cores |
the number of cores to parallelize over (if set to 1, no parallelizing is done) |
a list with the following elements:
Wavelength |
the wavelength axis of the estimated template |
Flux |
the normalized flux of the estimated template |
Chunk_bounds |
a list of length 2 vectors that give the wavelength bounds for each chunk for which the smoothing was done on |
Bandwidths |
the bandwidths chosen for each of the chunks |
Std_err |
the standard errors of the estimated normalized flux that can be used for prediction confidence intervals |
data(spectra) plot(spectra[[1]]$Wavelength, spectra[[1]]$Flux, col='gray', type='l') for(spec in spectra){ lines(spec$Wavelength, spec$Flux, col='gray') } tempest = estimate_template(spectra, cores = 1) lines(tempest$Wavelength, tempest$Flux, col='red')
data(spectra) plot(spectra[[1]]$Wavelength, spectra[[1]]$Flux, col='gray', type='l') for(spec in spectra){ lines(spec$Wavelength, spec$Flux, col='gray') } tempest = estimate_template(spectra, cores = 1) lines(tempest$Wavelength, tempest$Flux, col='red')
This function applies the Absorption Feature Finder algorithm (Algorithm 1 in
Holzer et. al 2020) to find absorption
features in a high signal-to-noise,
normalized, spectrum. For a spectrum that covers more than 100 Angstroms, it is
recommended to parallelize it by setting the cores
argument to be greater
than 1.
findabsorptionfeatures( wvl, flux, pix_range = 7, gamma = 0.01, alpha = 0.05, minlinedepth = 0, cores = 1 )
findabsorptionfeatures( wvl, flux, pix_range = 7, gamma = 0.01, alpha = 0.05, minlinedepth = 0, cores = 1 )
wvl |
vector of wavelengths in the spectrum |
flux |
vector of normalized flux in the spectrum (must have the same length as |
pix_range |
integer that specifies the window size in units of pixels to use in the moving linear regression |
gamma |
significance level used in finding local minima |
alpha |
significance level used in estimating wavelength bounds of features (Note: this must be larger than |
minlinedepth |
minimum depth required for found absorption features to be returned |
cores |
number of cores to parallelize over (if set to 1, no parallelizing is done) |
a list with the following components:
wvbounds |
a list of length 2 vectors that each give the lower and upper bounds of found absorption features |
min_wvl |
a vector of the wavelengths at which the minimum flux is achieved for each found absorption feature |
min_flx |
a vector of the minimum flux for each found absorption feature |
max_flx |
a vector of the maximum flux for each found absorption feature |
data(template) ftrs = findabsorptionfeatures(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, pix_range = 8, gamma = 0.05, alpha = 0.07, minlinedepth = 0.015) plot(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, type='l', xlab = "Wavelength", ylab = "Flux") for(i in 1:length(ftrs$wvbounds)){ lines(ftrs$wvbounds[[i]], c(1,1) - 0.01*rep(i%%2,2), col=3) }
data(template) ftrs = findabsorptionfeatures(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, pix_range = 8, gamma = 0.05, alpha = 0.07, minlinedepth = 0.015) plot(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, type='l', xlab = "Wavelength", ylab = "Flux") for(i in 1:length(ftrs$wvbounds)){ lines(ftrs$wvbounds[[i]], c(1,1) - 0.01*rep(i%%2,2), col=3) }
This function takes a spectrum and the wavelength bounds of three neighboring
absorption features and uses the functions gauss1func
, gauss2func
, and/or
to fit Gaussians to them simultaneously. The final fit is the first
of the following five outcomes for which the nonlinear regression algorithm
converges: (i) all three Gaussians, (ii) the left two Gaussians, (iii) the
right two Gaussians, (iv) just the middle Gaussian, (v) the middle Gaussian
with an amplitude of 0. Only the fit parameters for the middle Gaussian are
fit3gauss(wvl, flx, bnds0, bnds1, bnds2)
fit3gauss(wvl, flx, bnds0, bnds1, bnds2)
wvl |
the vector of wavelengths of the spectrum to fit to |
flx |
the vector of normalized flux of the spectrum to fit to |
bnds0 |
a vector of length 2 with the lower and upper bounds of the left absorption feature |
bnds1 |
a vector of length 2 with the lower and upper bounds of the middle absorption feature |
bnds2 |
a vector of length 2 with the lower and upper bounds of the right absorption feature |
a list with three components:
mu |
the fitted value of the center parameter for the middle Gaussian |
sig |
the fitted value of the spread parameter for the middle Gaussian |
amp |
the fitted value of the amplitude parameter for the middle Gaussian |
x = seq(5000, 5003, length.out=200) y = gauss3func(x, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 5001.5, 5002, 5000.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.13) y = rnorm(200, mean=y, sd=0.01) plot(x, y) abline(v=c(5000.8, 5001.2, 5001.75, 5002.3)) pars = fit3gauss(x, y, c(5000, 5000.8), c(5001.2, 5001.75), c(5001.75, 5002.3)) fitted = gauss1func(x, pars$amp, pars$mu, pars$sig) lines(x, fitted, col=2)
x = seq(5000, 5003, length.out=200) y = gauss3func(x, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 5001.5, 5002, 5000.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.13) y = rnorm(200, mean=y, sd=0.01) plot(x, y) abline(v=c(5000.8, 5001.2, 5001.75, 5002.3)) pars = fit3gauss(x, y, c(5000, 5000.8), c(5001.2, 5001.75), c(5001.75, 5002.3)) fitted = gauss1func(x, pars$amp, pars$mu, pars$sig) lines(x, fitted, col=2)
This function returns a Gaussian absorption feature with continuum 1.0 and a specified amplitude, center, and spread.
gauss1func(x, a1, mu1, sig1)
gauss1func(x, a1, mu1, sig1)
x |
the vector of values at which to evaluate |
a1 |
the amplitude of the feature |
mu1 |
the center of the feature |
sig1 |
the spread of the feature (must be greater than 0) |
vector of values of the specified inverted Gaussian
x = seq(5000, 5003, length.out=200) y = gauss1func(x, 0.3, 5001.5, 0.1) plot(x, y)
x = seq(5000, 5003, length.out=200) y = gauss1func(x, 0.3, 5001.5, 0.1) plot(x, y)
This function returns two Gaussian absorption features, both with continuum 1.0 and each with a specified amplitude, center, and spread.
gauss2func(x, a1, a2, mu1, mu2, sig1, sig2)
gauss2func(x, a1, a2, mu1, mu2, sig1, sig2)
x |
the vector of values at which to evaluate |
a1 |
the amplitude of the first feature |
a2 |
the amplitude of the second feature |
mu1 |
the center of the first feature |
mu2 |
the center of the second feature |
sig1 |
the spread of the first feature (must be greater than 0) |
sig2 |
the spread of the second feature (must be greater than 0) |
vector of values of the two specified inverted Gaussians
x = seq(5000, 5003, length.out=200) y = gauss2func(x, 0.3, 0.5, 5001.5, 5002, 0.1, 0.1) plot(x, y)
x = seq(5000, 5003, length.out=200) y = gauss2func(x, 0.3, 0.5, 5001.5, 5002, 0.1, 0.1) plot(x, y)
This function returns three Gaussian absorption features, both with continuum 1.0 and each with a specified amplitude, center, and spread.
gauss3func(x, a1, a2, a3, mu1, mu2, mu3, sig1, sig2, sig3)
gauss3func(x, a1, a2, a3, mu1, mu2, mu3, sig1, sig2, sig3)
x |
the vector of values at which to evaluate |
a1 |
the amplitude of the first feature |
a2 |
the amplitude of the second feature |
a3 |
the amplitude of the third feature |
mu1 |
the center of the first feature |
mu2 |
the center of the second feature |
mu3 |
the center of the third feature |
sig1 |
the spread of the first feature (must be greater than 0) |
sig2 |
the spread of the second feature (must be greater than 0) |
sig3 |
the spread of the third feature (must be greater than 0) |
vector of values of the three specified inverted Gaussians
x = seq(5000, 5003, length.out=200) y = gauss3func(x, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 5001.5, 5002, 5000.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.13) plot(x, y)
x = seq(5000, 5003, length.out=200) y = gauss3func(x, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 5001.5, 5002, 5000.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.13) plot(x, y)
This function takes a spectrum, which ideally is a high signal-to-noise template
spectrum estimated with the estimate_template
function, and the
absorption features found with the findabsorptionfeatures
and uses nonlinear least-squares to fit Gaussians to the features. This follows
the procedure described in Holzer et al. (2020).
Gaussfit(wvl, flx, ftrs, cores = 1, mse_max1 = 0.00014, mse_max2 = 1e-04)
Gaussfit(wvl, flx, ftrs, cores = 1, mse_max1 = 0.00014, mse_max2 = 1e-04)
wvl |
vector of wavelengths of the spectrum |
flx |
vector of normalized flux of the spectrum |
ftrs |
a list of length 2 vectors that each give the lower and upper bounds of found absorption features. The |
cores |
the integer count of cores to parallelize over. If set to 1, no parallelization is done. |
mse_max1 |
the maximum mean squared error required for a fit from one Gaussian to be considered a good fit for an absorption feature |
mse_max2 |
the maximum mean squared error required for a fit of two Gaussians to be considered a good fit for an absorption feature |
a list with the following components:
parameters |
a dataframe with the wavelength bounds, fitted amplitude, fitted center, fitted spread, and fit type for absorption features with a good fit. A fit type of 0 indicates that the feature had a good fit of a single Gaussian. A fit type of 1 indicates that the feature did not have a good fit with a single Gaussian initially, but after fitting with two it did. |
fitted |
the vector of fitted values (with the same length as the
goodfits |
a vector of the indices for which rows in the |
mse |
a vector with the mean squared error for each of the features in
the |
data(template) ftrs = findabsorptionfeatures(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, pix_range = 8, gamma = 0.05, alpha = 0.07, minlinedepth = 0.015) gapp = Gaussfit(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, ftrs) plot(template$Wavelength, template$Flux) lines(template$Wavelength, gapp$fitted, col=2)
data(template) ftrs = findabsorptionfeatures(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, pix_range = 8, gamma = 0.05, alpha = 0.07, minlinedepth = 0.015) gapp = Gaussfit(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, ftrs) plot(template$Wavelength, template$Flux) lines(template$Wavelength, gapp$fitted, col=2)
This function returns the unnormalized (height of 1.0) Gaussian curve with a given center and spread.
gaussfunc(x, mu, sigma)
gaussfunc(x, mu, sigma)
x |
the vector of values at which to evaluate the Gaussian |
mu |
the center of the Gaussian |
sigma |
the spread of the Gaussian (must be greater than 0) |
vector of values of the Gaussian
x = seq(-4, 4, length.out = 100) y = gaussfunc(x, 0, 1) plot(x, y)
x = seq(-4, 4, length.out = 100) y = gaussfunc(x, 0, 1) plot(x, y)
This function evaluates the first-degree Hermite-Gaussian function with a general center and spread.
HG1(x, mu, sig)
HG1(x, mu, sig)
x |
the vector of values at which to evaluate the function |
mu |
the center parameter of the function |
sig |
the spread parameter of the function |
vector of values of the specified first-degree generalized Hermite-Gaussian function
x = seq(50, 60, length.out=100) y = HG1(x, 55, 1) plot(x, y)
x = seq(50, 60, length.out=100) y = HG1(x, 55, 1) plot(x, y)
This function applies the HGRV method as given in
Holzer et al. (2020) to a given observed spectrum, using
the estimated template from the estimate_template
function and the
component of the output from the Gaussfit
The result is an estimate of the relative radial velocity present in the
observed spectrum in units of m/s.
hgrv(obs_wvl, obs_flx, tmp_wvl, tmp_flx, Features, obs_err = NULL, cntm = NULL)
hgrv(obs_wvl, obs_flx, tmp_wvl, tmp_flx, Features, obs_err = NULL, cntm = NULL)
obs_wvl |
the vector of wavelengths of the observed spectrum |
obs_flx |
the vector of normalized flux of the observed spectrum |
tmp_wvl |
the vector of wavelengths of the template spectrum |
tmp_flx |
the vector of normalized flux of the template spectrum |
Features |
a dataframe with the wavelength bounds and fitted Gaussian parameters for each absorption feature. The |
obs_err |
the vector of uncertainties in the normalized flux of the observed spectrum (must be the same length as |
cntm |
the vector of continuum values used to normalize the flux of the observed spectrum (must be the same length as |
a list with the following components
rv |
the estimated radial velocity in units of m/s |
rv_err |
the standard error of the estimated radial velocity in units of m/s |
n |
the number of data points used in the weighted linear regression |
data |
a list with the observed wavelengths ( |
data(template) ftrs = findabsorptionfeatures(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, pix_range = 8, gamma = 0.05, alpha = 0.07, minlinedepth = 0.015) gapp = Gaussfit(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, ftrs) data(observed_spec) hgrv_output = hgrv(observed_spec$Wavelength, observed_spec$Flux, template$Wavelength, template$Flux, gapp$parameters, obs_err = observed_spec$Uncertainty) plot(hgrv_output$data$hgvar, hgrv_output$data$diff_flux) abline(a=0, b=hgrv_output$rv) abline(a=0, b=hgrv_output$rv - 3*hgrv_output$rv_err, lty=2) abline(a=0, b=hgrv_output$rv + 3*hgrv_output$rv_err, lty=2)
data(template) ftrs = findabsorptionfeatures(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, pix_range = 8, gamma = 0.05, alpha = 0.07, minlinedepth = 0.015) gapp = Gaussfit(template$Wavelength, template$Flux, ftrs) data(observed_spec) hgrv_output = hgrv(observed_spec$Wavelength, observed_spec$Flux, template$Wavelength, template$Flux, gapp$parameters, obs_err = observed_spec$Uncertainty) plot(hgrv_output$data$hgvar, hgrv_output$data$diff_flux) abline(a=0, b=hgrv_output$rv) abline(a=0, b=hgrv_output$rv - 3*hgrv_output$rv_err, lty=2) abline(a=0, b=hgrv_output$rv + 3*hgrv_output$rv_err, lty=2)
A small portion of one observed spectrum collected by EXPRES Petersburg et. al (2020).
A dataframe with 628 rows and the following 3 columns:
the wavelength of the spectrum, in Angstroms
normalized flux of the spectrum, unitless
the uncertainty of the flux measurements, unitless
56 observed spectra as collected by EXPRES Petersburg et. al (2020). Only the subset of the spectrum between 5000 and 5005 Angstroms is given here.
A list with 56 elements, each of which has 2 variables:
the wavelength of the spectrum, in Angstroms
normalized flux of the spectrum, unitless
A small portion of the estimated template produced with the method of Holzer et. al (2020) on a set of 55 observed spectra from EXPRES.
A data frame with 1893 rows and 2 variables:
the wavelength of the spectrum, in Angstroms
normalized flux of the spectrum, unitless
This function takes the wavelength and flux vectors of a normalized spectrum and uses cubic-spline interpolation to adjust the flux vector to match a new wavelength solution.
wave_match(wvl1, flx1, targetwvl)
wave_match(wvl1, flx1, targetwvl)
wvl1 |
vector of wavelengths for the spectrum to be interpolated |
flx1 |
vector of normalized flux for the spectrum to be interpolated |
targetwvl |
vector of wavelengths to interpolate to. |
A vector of normalized flux for the spectrum at the targetwvl wavelengths. Only flux for targetwvl wavelengths that are contained by the wvl1 wavelengths are returned.
x = seq(0,10) y = 5*sin(x + 2) newx = seq(0.5, 9.5) newy = wave_match(x, y, newx) plot(x, y) points(newx, newy, col=2, pch=19)
x = seq(0,10) y = 5*sin(x + 2) newx = seq(0.5, 9.5) newy = wave_match(x, y, newx) plot(x, y) points(newx, newy, col=2, pch=19)